here I photographed a corner of the church because i thought it looked distressed. I like the gothicy,rotting effect on this corner it really inspires me.
here I photographed pebbles that were on the floor near the church to get a good "Shape&Form" effect. I like the rainy effects in-between the pebbles it really caught my eye.
here I photographed this symbol because it looks really arty also because I like it. I also like the blurry effects of the leafs and that the camera focused on the symbol.
here I photographed a side of the church door because I liked the "Shapes&Form" of the edges of the sides. The side of the church looked distressed and chipped also the stone that its made of looks like the rains run its colour to darker colours.
here I photographed these stairs going up to the church door because I thought they looked gothicy, despite the rubbish on the stairs I ignored it all and looked at the photography side of it
here I photographed a grave stone that looked like a tree effect because I like the idea that they have used the inspiration of the wooden cross that jesus was put on.
here I photographed a symbol on a grave stone because I liked the effects of the symbol, despite the edges of this photograph are not as sharp as I wanted them to be.
here I photographed a symbol on a grave stone because I like the effects of it looking like a music symbol but a gothicy styled symbol.
here I photographed a lumpy pole that looked broken,distressed and was on the floor going all rotten. I like this photograph because it focused onto the leaf and blurred the rest of the photo.